Choose the best plan for you

Basic plan performed 1x a year
Change furnace filter
Clean dryer exhaust pipe (This is between dryer and wall only. This does not include in wall ventilation to the exterior of the home.)
Clean microwave filter
Test garbage disposal
Test smoke and CO detectors
Clean dishwasher filter
Test GCFI’s
Water Softener refilled
Visually inspect A/C unit
Replace Drinking water filters
Check the roof for signs of loose or broken shingles.
Inspect all interior pipes, faucets, and fixtures for drips or damage.
Inspect asphalt and concrete for cracks and/or damage.
Inspect patios/decks for damage and needed repairs.
Visual inspection of easily accessible attic space.
Check for failed caulking around windows and doors at ground level.

Extra Perks
$40.00 call-out and assessment
$90.00 per hour labor
10% off all remodeling and specialty work
2 free call-outs per year
Home Maintenance
Doctor Visits for your Home!

Avoid costly repairs
Avoid costly repairs due to maintenance that has been deferred and keep people safe.
Preserve and increase property value.
Protect your largest investment by staying ahead of property maintenance and keeping your home in its best shape, and your family's future intact.
Skilled Tradesmen and Technicians on Demand
Our in-house tradesmen keep an eye on your house and anticipate its needs. We make it easy with hourly rates for our maintenance services.

Extra Perks
$60.00 call out and assessment
$99.00 per hour labor
5% off all remodeling and specialty work.

Winterize external faucets
Check for loss of heat from interior and exterior.
Lubricate garage door
Clean bathroom exhaust fan.
Clean refrigerator coils
Check foundation for cracks and damages

Extra Perks
$50.00 call out and assessment
$95.00 per hour labor
7.5% off all remodeling and specialty work.

Premium Plan Included 2x per year
Basic Plan Included 3x per year
Basic plan Included 2x per year
Premium plan performed 1x per year
Ultimate plan performed 1x per year
Test Sump Pump
​​Inspect weather stripping around exterior doors
Lubricate exterior & interior door hinges
Replace light bulbs as needed.
Exterior check for access points for pests and insects.
Drain sediment from water heater or clean filter in tankless heater.
Clean A/C unit.
Home Maintenance Subscription Plans

Every month
Valid until canceled

Every month
Valid until canceled

Every month
Valid until canceled